Frequently Asked Questions

What's with the name of your farm?

Out and About Farm (pronounced with a Canadian inflection of Oot and Aboot) captures the essence of our farming philosophy. Animals free to roam out and about are happier, healthier, and tastier.

While it takes much more work to rotate pigs or sheep every few days to fresh pasture, the results are worth it. You end up with an animal who grows up surrounded by lush food sources and rich nutrients for much of the year, fresh air, space to run and play and help regenerate the land they are on. Healthy soil is critical. Out and About is dedicated to building healthy soil so that we have nutrient-rich food for our animals. We want to leave our farm with lush pasture and woodlands so future generations can continue our work. We want to leave the world a better place than when we first found it.

What primary services do you offer?

We raise happy pigs, chickens, and turkeys on pasture and woodlands here on our 38-acre farm. As a small farm focused on providing a humane, all-natural, drug andesticide-free space for our livestock, supply is extremely limited. So, please contact us if you are interested in enjoying the fruits of our labor.

What do you specialize in?

We are most known for our pasture-raised pork. Customers reserve a piglet at the beginning of each year. We raise these piglets for 8 to 10 months, rotating them through fresh pastures and woods weekly, supplementing their diets with apples from our orchards, nuts, hay, and quality feed from our local livestock feed provider. When the pigs reach the appropriate size, we deliver them to the processor on behalf of our customers. Our customers personalize their choice of cuts with the processor and arrange to pick up their butchered pork in about two weeks.

Out and About Farm is also a breeder of Idaho Pasture Pigs, a breed known for its easy-going temperament and delicious, flavorful meat. Smaller than other breeds, IPPs may be the perfect choice of pig for homesteaders! They are bred to get moe of their daily food needs from grazing on pasture, making raising pigs holistically possible.

What are the rates of your services?

Whole chickens and turkeys are priced by the pound and can be purchased directly from us. Prices vary per season based on all the factors that go into raising, feeding, and processing them.

Pigs are sold on a whole pig or half pig basis with a deposit due to reserve your pig at the beginning of the growing season. We occasionally have USDA-inspected cuts such as pork chops, bacon, pork loins, and ground pork available on a limited basis. Please call 315-601-5403 or email us for current pricing and availability. 

How did you get started in raising livestock and producing food? 

Our journey began a few years ago. Initially, we wanted to be able to raise enough food to feed ourselves. Supermarket pork is not very good. It's often pumped full of a salt solution to make it tender and enhance its taste. Pink pigs grown in many corporate farms seldom see pasture and are usually confined to small concrete paddocks inside dark, poorly lit growing areas with lousy air circulation.

That's not how pigs should be raised! We wanted to feel good about the meat we ate. We wanted the pigs to be out on pasture and be free to enjoy the rich bounty of nutrients and edible plants and grasses abundant in forests. 

So, we purchased three piglets and put our philosophy of humane, small-scale, regenerative farming into practice. The meat was delicious. We started getting requests from friends, neighbors, and colleagues who appreciated our focus on happy humanely raised, insanely delicious pork. It's the same approach we take with the chickens and turkeys we raise annually. Fresh pasture. Quality feed. No drugs or pesticides.

It's been an incredible journey. And we cherish the opportunity to grow and offer delicious and ethically raised food.

Are your products certified organic?

Though we don't sell our livestock or products as certified organic, Out and About Farm raises animals without antibiotics or growth hormones. We follow the organic farming ethos that emphasizes soil health, biodiversity, and the preservation of natural resources. We use crop rotation, pasture rotation, composting, and cover cropping techniques to maintain and improve soil fertility and structure. A healthy planet requires good stewards, and we strive to do our part using regenerative farming.

Most importantly, we ensure that our livestock receives humane care. We go beyond certification standards because it is the right thing to do. As a small farm, we can focus on something other than volume. Instead, we create and maintain acres of all-natural outdoor living for pigs and poultry.

It's a good life with one bad day! Imagine if all livestock could be raised safely, treated with respect, given more open space (instead of cramped confinement), and allowed to graze on fresh pasture plus apples, nuts, and produce. In the cooler months, our pigs are given hay to keep warm and plenty of fermented feed to keep them happy and healthy.